Does Being Nice Matter Any More? Read what I experienced

Does Being Nice Matter Any More? Read what I experienced - DTW

Recently, I had a conversation with a person who referred to the company where she worked as “nice.” At first, I wasn’t sure what she meant by that. Did she mean the company was friendly, accommodating, or easy to work with? I thought, does Being nice matter anymore?

As we delved deeper into the conversation, I realized that being “nice” meant much more than just being friendly. It was about creating an environment that valued empathy, kindness, and respect for everyone. Being “nice” means understanding that every employee is unique and has different needs, skills, and personalities.

It means recognizing and acknowledging these differences and leveraging them for the team’s good. It also means creating a safe space where people can express themselves, share their thoughts, and feel supported.

Why does being nice matter in the workplace?

For starters, it impacts productivity. When employees feel valued, supported, and respected, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive.

A study by the University of Warwick found that happy workers are 12% more productive than their unhappy counterparts. But it’s not just about productivity. Being “nice” can also impact the bottom line.

Companies that prioritize employee well-being have been found to outperform their competitors. According to a study by Harvard Business Review, companies with a strong sense of purpose and a focus on employee well-being outperformed their peers by 2.3 times in revenue growth and 1.8 times in profit growth.

So, how can companies be “nice”? Here are a few ideas:

  • Prioritize employee well-being: This can mean offering flexible schedules, providing mental health support, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance.
  • Foster an inclusive culture: This means creating a culture where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or gender.
  • Encourage open communication: This creates an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas and are encouraged to collaborate and work together.
  • Recognize and reward good work: This means acknowledging and rewarding employees who go above and beyond, whether it’s through a bonus, promotion, or public recognition.

By implementing these practices, companies can create an environment that values empathy, kindness, and respect, leading to a happier, more engaged, and more productive workforce.


Being “nice” is about much more than being friendly or accommodating. It’s about creating an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and respected.

When companies prioritize employee well-being, foster an inclusive culture, encourage open communication, and recognize and reward good work, they can create a workplace that is not just “nice” but also productive and profitable. So, let’s all strive to be a little bit nicer to each other – it’s good for business, and it’s good for us all.

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